Comment by dgfitz

2 months ago

I tried for years, and came to the same conclusion. Years. 4 different therapists @ 1.5-2 years each.

Therapy can, at best, help one identify issues and suggest ways to make improvements.

When you know all the issues and can’t make changes, therapy doesn’t do much.

Everyone I’ve known to say they know all their issues has been blind to many obvious (externally) problems. I tried several different therapists until I tried psychoanalysis instead and it helped. That said, it’s true that many problems cannot be solved and must instead be grieved.

Doesn't sound like the author has any idea what issues plague them, based on what I read. Lots of plausible sounding ideas in this thread, if a therapist helps them figure out which ones are accurate, money can (probably) help them make the changes.