Comment by naming_the_user

2 months ago

As a young(ish) man with retirement level wealth personally I don't understand this primarily I suppose because my main passions in life are not profitable.

Great, so now I don't have to profitmax every single thing and can rely on my investments. That means I can study pottery, languages, learn about cars, guns, travel, spend time with my old mum, family, start a small business, whatever it is, without care for whether it contributes to the bottom line.

It kind of seems to me as if the poster here has some sort of savior complex - like they can't just be well off and enjoy it, they have to somehow change the world. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but at some point why not take time for you and yours?

I do however identify with the "it's not relatable" thing. If you live off of investments then suddenly you are, well, seperate, from people who can't, in a way that you can try to hide but it leaks out, you can't explain away being able to travel wherever whenever you want, etc.

tbh it sounds much more like he wants to be viewed as a saviour than actually improve anything significant to me.

"what I actually wanted was to look like Elon" feels like he's getting very close to grasping something fundamental about himself in a way that many similar dudes are incapable of doing.

This is how interpreted the post. Listing “throwing parties” as one of your hobbies shows they don’t really have deep passion curiosities like the things you listed can be.

  • Your parties must not be any good. People have entire careers just organizing events like weddings and corporate conferences. You can or as little or as much effort into throwing parties as you can pottery or any of the other things listed.

> you can't explain away being able to travel wherever whenever you want

Just lie and say you work for an AI startup that's in stealth mode and that they're sending you there for a work retreat to bond with your coworkers. Few people in your life care that much about your job to dig deeper.

  • Sure, you can do that. That's what I mean by being unable to relate.

    It's not like it's a one off "I took a couple of days off to build a table" or "I used my X weeks holiday to go to Thailand", all of your hobbies, interests, travel, museum visits, etc etc happen all of the time when most people around you are doing a 9 to 5.

    "How was work today?" It wasn't, I don't work, I haven't worked for years, I can tell you about my entrepreneurship or my studying or whatever but then again, now you know I don't work.

    That's at a lower level. If you have 50 million like the author then you may well have multiple homes or just live out of hotels if you choose to, it's constant.

    Are you hiding all of that?

> the poster here has some sort of savior complex

It seems to be a problem with motivation and meaningfulness, not necessarily that he wants to save anyone. Or anything.
