Comment by willseth
2 months ago
Yeah altruism, but more...effective. Wonder if anyone has looked into that idea and if so how it worked out.
2 months ago
Yeah altruism, but more...effective. Wonder if anyone has looked into that idea and if so how it worked out.
Do you mean has anyone looked into making suffering models like people do weather models for regional / global maps to predict likely suffering and remediation? Or are you just pointing to touchy EA issues?
Just joking about EA, who did exactly what you are suggesting, then it went promptly off the rails. But maybe they’ve regrouped since FTX, I don’t know.
I'm thinking more like weather prediction with big ensemble models for human suffering prediction, you know, time series prediction, which need not be a monolithic ethical imperative with loads of subprojects and not so uniform initiatives. I guess Deepmind's SOTA weather transformers could indeed be a good starting point. I did find that an animal welfare org speculated about doing similar actually!
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