Comment by more_corn
2 months ago
If having a bunch of money is a problem, there’s a solution. Give it away and start again. It sounds stupid but a lot of people do it.
I’ve traveled a lot and opportunity is definitely not evenly distributed. There are millions of people who have potential and can’t afford silly things like books, school, tools necessary to succeed. If I wanted to give away a bunch or money I’d found work training programs for blue collar jobs in some major cities of developing nations. Provide training and tools for capable youngsters who might not otherwise have opportunities.
Although… this is not a tale about having too much money. It’s a tale about not knowing what to do next.
You need to recapture the satisfaction of work. Your professional identity was a big part of who you were and you’re falling apart without it. Unfortunately the old one is dead so you have to create a new one. The good news is there’s a foundation to build in.
Track down half a dozen people you’ve enjoyed working with before and start a business with them. I also recommend working mentorship into the mix.
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