Comment by stego-tech
2 months ago
The unspoken and oft-forgotten part of the "immense wealth" agreement is that, unshackled from the need to work to survive in perpetuity, you are also free to give yourself and your time to causes who otherwise would never afford to pay for your skills. My plan - should I ever reach that level of unfathomable wealth, as statistically unlikely as it is even for my privileged upbringing - is to eventually divide my time between IT work for the local school system/town government and running a small, tech-focused community center (think LAN center + board game tables + maker lab) out of my own pocket; the former for the benefits more than the salary (healthcare is expensive), the latter to give the local youth a place to hang out that doesn't require continuous outflows of money or a credit card.
So my advice to anyone, really, is to always consider what you'd do with your life if money were no longer the chief concern of it, and to find more ways of incorporating that into your life until and unless such a time arises. Whatever you do, though, should be in the interest of uplifting others rather than yourself (you won Capitalism by reaching this point, after all). That provides a fulfillment every human ultimately needs in some form.
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