Comment by nextlevelwizard

2 months ago

OK, but what is the solution? To get a (or multiple) child(ren)? Make a "family" that you don't actually want just so you can have people who rely on your support? And what then when you use your millions to support and nourish your kids? Then you get to read on HN about how they are "nepo-babies who did nothing on their own and are worthless human beings".

How do you know what he did at the company? When you get acqui-hired for large sums you are dropped somewhere in the management block where lets be real most people have no idea what they are doing and they dont even care they are there just for the money.

Buy a RocketLab Electron launch and insert a literal hunk of lead or a beam reflector cube into geostationary graveyard orbit. They never had GTO launches before, let alone direct GEO, and I think no one had ever done an intentionally passive object into GEO let alone commissioned by an individual, it'll be an all around achievement. It's going to stay there for a geological timescale with negligible risk of space junk and gets its own Gunter's Space Page and Wikipedia article with legitimate interest from public.

There are countless stupid fun in the world that money can do that isn't about buying out a human or legally punching an NPC in face. As well as legit meaningful businesses that may or may not make money but kinda fun and useful. The fact that this person is being unable to come up with such a task suggests existence of a problem, though I wouldn't know if it's mental or developmental or physical or circumstantial.

  • That’s said, if you’re struggling with humility and connection, legally punching someone in the face and being punched in return can be quite rewarding.

    So, go join that boxing/bjj gym and learn just how pathetically average you really are!

David Brooks has a good book called “The Second Mountain” where he details the shift of priorities later in one’s life. The “first mountain” is what this guy achieved, monumental material success and freedom in pursuit of the “aesthetic life” that is overly portrayed in social media as the ultimate goal. But Brooks’ position is there is a “second mountain” to climb focused on commitment to a purpose beyond ourselves. Somewhat paradoxically, the second mountain is defined by a constraining of the freedom we pursue originally because it requires dogged commitment.

Familiy is an option. But being curios and having hobbies also. Or helping people around you. Or starting to think about the people around you and enjoying the support you can provide.

I had my nihilistic depression phase for a decade. There is not much to it.

There are lot of things you can do in your life other than being in a relationship you are unhappy about.

to start going to therapy bro, it's like on the surface

  • The modern cure to all problems. Pay someone to talk to you. Incredible insight.

    • i know therapy has helped a lot of people in my personal life, which is why i tried it, but i think it really made me feel alone that the only person i can talk to is someone that i pay to listen to me.

      i went to therapy for 2 years with this perspective that the therapist would fix me like the mechanic fixes my car. I spent 2 hours a week with a psychiatrist & therapist bitching about my life thinking eventually I would get "better".

      but then i realized that wasn't getting any better. it's not their responsibility to "fix" me. the only person that could help me was me.

      the first thing we reach for is an external solution to solve or escape our current problems and everything is so commoditized that there is something that we can fixate our attention on.

      i think that reflecting this fixation inward has made all the difference for me personally.

      3 replies →

    • I mean yeah? He clearly needs to talk to someone and feels isolated. A neutralish third party to talk to (and is trained to help!) is a excellent suggestion. Therapy isn't a cure all, and is expensive (not that it matters in this case) but your comment sounds like:

      > The modern cure to all problems. Going to the gym if you feel unfit. Incredible insight.

  • What for? Because I don't want kids? And what could they possibly say to fix the world? I can re-consider after we get rid of Putin, Trump, and Xi and fix the economy to a place where I don't constantly have to hear how people can't afford homes or even food.

    Before that you are irresponsible to bring new people into this world and should be ashamed.