Comment by iancmceachern

2 months ago

I can't imagine a world where I wouldn't know what to do.

There is diarrhea on my building, trash in the street, people needing medical help in the alley, and potholes in the street.

Just walk out your front door and start doing things.

My recent triumph was getting a building owner on my street to finally repair the hole in front of their building. Imagine what I could do with a backhoe.

Start small, think big. Help people who deserve it in real, honest (typically not through the computer) ways.

I'd much rather be less wealthy in that way to be rich in this way.

Author doesn't look like he cares much about other people. Dude left a job making 60 mil because of "NPCs and politics"... You could fund a school with that kind of many and still have enough to brag about your gaming setup

That would require him to care about his local community. Not a single one of these dudes give a shit about SF beyond how it can make them money.

I always think if I won the lottery, I'd love to just make my local town awesome. Fund the schools, pay for parks, buy empty retail units and make them community spaces for artists. That sort of thing.

I took about a year and a half off because I could afford it and I did so much and had such a good time I could do it forever. Freedom is wasted on this guy.

Ah, but you don't understand! Those are NPC activities! You must join DOGE to have in impact!

I hope I'm never such a loser that I actually believe what I just wrote.

The author seems to wear their support of capitalism "on their sleeve", so acting in their self-interest is endemic. At the risk of sounding bitter, I imagine these problems aren't trendy enough to solve yet, or maybe they just had something akin to blinkers on en route to their hike.