Comment by darthrupert
2 months ago
Going to therapy when all your problems are this mundane would be like going to open heart surgegy because you heartrate got slightly elevated.
People need meaning, not therapy. Meaning used to be provided by religion and philosophy. Religion is diminishing and philosophy is too difficult.
Depression doesn't care about how mundane your problems are. Some people have horrible things happening to them and they don't get depressed - while others struggle with common setbacks that everyone experiences.
IMHO, the author sounds like he's missing a lot of perspective on things, and talking to other people could help with that - preferably even in a group setting.
Victor Frankl, psychotherapist, wrote "Man's Search for Meaning" in which he propones "logotherapy", which is literally a therapeutic regimen based on finding meaning.
Therapy is more like a physical trainer but for your brain crossed with your primary care doctor, not open heart surgery.
Philosophy, frankly, also only provides questions, not answers.