Comment by ddq

2 months ago

>a dead giveaway that someone is a soulless narcissist

You're engaging in the exact same behavior, are you not? NPC and soulless are the same fundamental concept, that there is a certain threshold of humanity people can fall below to be considered lesser. They're soulless, they're NPCs, they're untermenschen... whatever the word for it, there are "dead giveaways" that a person can lack that hidden quality that separates man from animal. I'm sure it wasn't your intent, but from a certain reading, it seems like what you're saying isn't really all that far off from "calls people NPCs = is the real NPC".

I often see people decry specific terminology associated with dehumanizing beliefs without refuting the actual premise behind them.

Disagree. NPC carries a connotation that you are not even real. You do not have free will. You are there purely to serve their whims. You are an ephemeral nothing that does not exist when they look away. It is exactly what Andrew Tate preaches with his whole “matrix” schtick. It is the mindset billionaires use to excuse their bottomless greed.

Soulless was just a heavy handing way of saying it demonstrates a disturbing lack of empathy. Whether or not souls exist is debatable in the first place, so no I wouldn’t equate it with calling someone subhuman.