Comment by Sohcahtoa82

2 months ago

> There is no real purpose and never was.

Some people find this utterly depressing and nihilistic, but personally, I find it freeing.

The universe does not expect anything from you. That means you should do the most to simply enjoy life. Have fun and experience wonder. If you have the money to do whatever the hell you want, then do whatever the hell you want.

I already know what I'd do. I'd spend an entire summer on a massive road trip around the USA, visiting every major theme park. When winter hits, I'd go somewhere tropical and sip Mai Tais on the beach. Or travel to the north and drink a beer under the Northern Lights every night.

When free time becomes unlimited, I'd no longer feel like I need to min/max the usage of it.

Shit, just being able to go without an alarm clock for nearly every day of the year would bring immense happiness.