Comment by lukan
23 days ago
"This is like the conspiracy that women's pants don't have pockets to sell more purses."
Oh my god, this explains everything!
(btw. I recently learned, that the 9/11 inside job conspiracy evolved. Nowdays the standard theory is, that there were not even planes in the first place, just bombs and smoke)
I cant tell if you're on the side of conspiracy or not but you are correct that no plane crashed into building 7. Debris fell from 1 and 2 and set the building on fire, and since there was no fire suppression, it all went up pretty badly
No, sorry. Claiming a whole big city is part of a conspiracy to cover up, no planes actually crashed into the towers is more weird.
But if you would call for a proper neutral investigation of the whole story, then I would support that.
The Bush Jr administration got reelected, in my mind that's a bit larger than a single-city conspiracy.
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