Comment by fuzzfactor

1 month ago

>Let's say 25 years ago you had the idea to build a product

I resemble that remark ;)

>that can now be solved more generally with LLMs

Nope, sorry, not yet.

>"Nah, don't build that business, it will eventually be solved with some new technology?"

Actually I did listen to people like that to an extent, and started my business with the express intent of continuing to develop new technologies which would be adjacent to AI when it matured. Just better than I could at my employer where it was already in progress. It took a couple years before I was financially stable enough to consider layering in a neural network, but that was 30 years ago now :\

Wasn't possible to benefit with Windows 95 type of hardware, oh well, didn't expect a miracle anyway.

Heck, it's now been a full 45 years since I first dabbled in a bit of the ML with more kilobytes of desktop memory than most people had ever seen. I figured all that memory should be used for something, like memorizing, why not? Seemed logical. Didn't take long to figure out how much megabytes would help, but they didn't exist yet. And it became apparent that you could only go so far without a specialized computer chip of some kind to replace or augment a microprocessor CPU. What kind, I really had no idea :)

I didn't say they resembled 25-year-old ideas that much anyway ;)

>We've had a lot of progress over the last 25 years; much of it in the last two.

I guess it's understandable this has been making my popcorn more enjoyable than ever ;)