Comment by coldtea

2 months ago

>People have always been performative about social justice, it's not a new phenomenon

People have always done lots of things. The degree, intensity, and manner with which they do them varies and matters.

>And it shouldn't detract from the justice itself. People are obssessed with talking about how bad the performative nature is, when they should ignore that aspect and just focus on the issue

They could be already focusing on the issue. Or they could be ignoring it. That's their decision. Perhaps they have problems of their own to tackle first. Nobody has to be an activist about some cause just because another wants them to.

The problem with performative justice is that (when the performative types get enough power) its bizarre demands and rituals are imposed onto and everybody else, with little recourse.

Another problem is that the performative justice diverts resources to tackle the performative insignificant or detrimental aspects instead of the real issue.

>Annoyed people are whining about civil rights? Okay? Don't whine about it yourself maybe?

Wouldn't solve the issues described in the article caused by performative justice, from stiffling academic discussion, to creating an outrage factory that diverts the press from its mission and polarises society to a detrimental effect.