Comment by JumpCrisscross

2 months ago

> How does he know that the scale of the problem is what he thinks it is and not what “woke” people think it is?

Broadly speaking, there is no limit to racism that has ever been proposed by the far left. One can reasonably, trivially dismiss most infinities.

> The essay can be summed up in one sentence: There should be no meaningful consequences for men who engage is lewd behavior

There is something deeper here you’re missing. Women can generally define lewd behaviour however they want; there is no similar official mechanism in the balance. A one-way institution like that will predictably build righteous backlash against itself. That backlash is partly performative and partly justified.

I have absolutely no need to get anywhere near the line of what anyone would think of being lewd.

  • > have absolutely no need to get anywhere near the line of what anyone would think of being lewd

    How is that relevant?

    The point is if one party can inconsequentially, to them, subjectively define lewdness and cause consequence to others through it, you will wind up with abuse and backlash. Whether it’s lewdness or moral uprightness or loyalty to a flag is besides the point.

  • And yet, here you are, making the lewdest of remarks. You're making me uncomfortable and need to stop making hurtful accusations that could be damaging to people. We're trying to have a polite discussion here.

    • Please don't take HN threads further into flamewar hell. You can disagree without this. There was nothing lewd in what scarface_74 posted.

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  • > obviously there is a limit

    Whether there is or isn’t is irrelevant. The fact that when asked “how much,” the answer seems to have no defined limit is what I’m criticising.

    • I’m not the one who quantified things. Graham did. I take it then you agree with me that Graham’s statement was written without merit or justification.

      EDIT: Graham wrote, “Not a problem on the scale that the woke believe it to be, but a genuine one.”

      He stated a limit on the level of racism. He gave a bound on it. He said it is less that what woke people think it is. CrissCross is being deliberately obtuse. This edit is for people who come across this thread. My comment pointed out that Graham didn’t justify this belief. I don’t know the level of racism and I’m not arrogant enough to try.

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