Comment by daseiner1

2 months ago



  • Yikes, you can't attack another user like that on HN, no matter how wrong they are or you feel they are. We have to ban accounts that do this, so please don't do it again.

    (I'm not endorsing the parent comment either, but you can't be aggressive like this here, and you've been doing it in more than one place, which is not cool.)

    • Yikes, indeed.

      Look at what you and PG run here, friend.

      Who are you defending? Who are you denigrating?

      Who are you preventing from replying to those attacking them?

      Are you hiding behind your "algorithms"? Who sets those algorithms, people with compassion?

      Look at the organization you are "just following orders" for. Your organization is facilitating the Trumpization of America, with its ignorance and promotion of oppression and environmental destruction. And, behind it all, is a sole concern for money, period.

      And now PG has come out as a full-blown ignoramus. I guess that's ok for you so long as those checks clear, huh?

      You could be positively affecting the world by helping me teach compassion, but there's no class on compassion in the MBA curriculum, and that's the only Bible an YC company can preach, right?

      We are all choosing sides, every day, Dan. Don't follow the losers of the world in their selfish, apathetic, and callous worship of money, my friend.

      I guess Nazis can just post whatever they want as long as they couch their views in the proper verbiage, huh? There is no civil discourse with Nazis, Dan. There is no tolerating the intolerant; that's a destructive policy. Take a stand for what is right, or stand on the side of the losers. There is no other path.

      Now we know why PG has set the algorithms the way y'all have. His loser mentality has enshittified this place, and all his good soldiers have followed in lock-step, haven't you?

      "Wake up!" --Zach de la Rocha

      2 replies →

  • I don't think Boards of Directors and C-Suites of massive, publicly-traded companies operate based on empathy. They pattern-match cultural trends to maximize shareholder value. To assert otherwise is laughably naïve.

    My comment suggests that I think introducing inflammatory political issues into the work environment, issues that have a "correct" answer as far as your boss's boss's bosses are concerned, is unethical, corrosive, and counterproductive.

    Beyond that, you know virtually nothing about me. But by all means, continue in your presumptions. Let's further accelerate the breakdown of civil discourse, perhaps that's the only way to eventually get back to something approaching respect for differing opinions, no matter how assertively stated.

  • The problem is that it's a performance. You know who else cries convincingly without meaning it? Actors in movies. Wokeism has equated performance to action. Pretend you care, make it public, and the problem somehow goes away. If you truly care about solving problems, that position basically guarantees that nothing will change.