Comment by normalaccess

2 months ago

I'm amused that it's so hard to see but as a single example take the current situation happening in the UK. There have been organized child human trafficking rings that have been allowed to operate with complete impunity due to the race of the participants.

If you speak out about the injustice you are deemed a far right extremist and a raciest and given a harsher sentence than the pedophiles that are raping children.

Now you might see that as unrelated but In my option it's exactly the sort of thing that is emblematic of the radical left being in power. There is an inversion of justice to correct for the "demon of whiteness".

>If you speak out about the injustice you are deemed a far right extremist and a raciest and given a harsher sentence than the pedophiles that are raping children.

I would like to see a source for this.