Comment by LeroyRaz
2 months ago
Why and how is labelling unlikable behaviour as woke bad faith. As I understand the right using the term, they use it consistently to refer to a very specific type of behaviour they see as bad (one core aspect is prioritising signalling being virtuous over actually improving the world).
Is your complaint that this usage unfairly co-opts the original left usage of the word?
> they use it consistently to refer to a very specific type of behaviour they see as bad
I disagree that their use is consistent and specific.
Their usage is constant and is malleable enough to encompass "whatever i don't like right now".
Imagine I wrote an essay on Christianity and based it entirely on the behavior of evangelicals in the South who attend megachurchies (a very vocal minority). Surely you'd expect other Christians (all around the world) who equally claim true usage to object.
> Imagine I wrote an essay on Christianity and based it entirely on the behavior of evangelicals in the South who attend megachurchies (a very vocal minority).
I’d expect you to be published in the New York Times, the Washington Post. If you wrote it a bit longer, the Atlantic. If you wrote it poorly and irrationally, Slate.
TIL all essays ever written are published in one of 4 outlets.
I think the similarities to a religion are a strong indication that there's a serious issue
I only used religion as an example, not to set up a false dichotomy. It could be anything people care about - 'love', 'patriotism', 'fairness', 'rule of law' ...
2 replies →
"Anti-woke" itself has become something of a religion itself with no real core principles or guiding ruleset. In opposition to something that is poorly defined
You give them far too much credit. But more importantly, ask yourself who’s really the morality police at this point? The ones screaming “woke” all the time, vowing to strip “woke” people out of positions of power, seem pretty dangerous to me.