Comment by femiagbabiaka

2 months ago

> Dwarf, midget, retarded, idiot, oriental, cripple, gypsy are just a start. Facticity doesn't actually seem to be on your side.

That's not quite what facticity means in the existential sense. It's a reference to "intractable conditions of human existence", or those things about yourself that you're born into and cannot change, like race, class, gender. They shape your worldview and position in life. Existentialists account for this because the rest of the philosophy is concerned with what one can do for themselves, for society, through their own actions. Anyways, case in point: of the words you've listed, they were quite literally all offensive to someone before the 80s and 90s. You just weren't privy to the cultures where that was the case. Leftist politics haven't actually changed that much, its just gotten massively more popular as our societal conditions have declined and the percentage of minorities increase. In a way, the rise of "woke" is a response in the dialectical sense.

> But on the flip side, there was a "woke" push that meant that every lead character everywhere had to be female, even better a minority female, even better a lesbian minority female, maybe with a handicap. Every commercial had to feature a mixed race or same sex couple, etc. When that becomes obvious and apparent to everyone, people do naturally start to suspect and see ghosts everywhere.

There was never a point in time where every commercial or every lead character was female, or a minority, or whatever else. It's simply that more are now than was the case in the 80s or 90s or whenever you feel that things were better. The question is: why does that matter? If there is a conspiracy, how does it affect you? What are you actually taking offense to? Any time I dig into this with people who hold your positions, I can never get to something substantive that doesn't essentially boil down to wanting to see less representation.. to no apparent end.


  • > If we forbid words that offend someone, somewhere, we would be left with no language.

    And yet, according to you, we've banned all sorts of words based on offense and society is still standing.

    I think it's interesting that you're simultaneously insisting that there is no conspiracy, and yet you're describing something that is demonstrably not true, and not out in the open. There has been no elimination of white families from the mainstream. The overwhelming majority of all positions of power globally are held by white people. Where is the real-world harm? Overzealous models? A commercial with a lesbian couple in it? What you don't realize is that you've recreated so-called "woke panic" -- you're just doing a right wing version of it whatever your stated beliefs.

    And your last graf displays this really well:

    > I despise Trump, Musk, MAGA, and conservatism in general. Gamergate was largely a bunch of incels attacking any women who dared to be in gaming or game journalism. Yet I have the awareness of the world enough to see that the "woke" nonsense, particularly woke racism/sexism, has been massively destructive to progressivism and leftist causes. It's literally why the world is going to have four dangerous years of Trump.

    You're blaming Kamala Harris' disastrous campaign on woke. Why did her campaign start so late? Why wasn't she nominated to that position in the primary? Because the Democratic party chose to elevate the feelings of Joseph Biden, a literal segregationist and misogynist, over even winning elections. They had no chance at all once they did that. But you can't even look at reality as it is because you're fixated on your imaginary witch hunt. I can't help you with that.