Comment by fzeroracer

2 months ago

If someone is named Jimmy and you keep referring to him as Jimbo despite them politely asking you not to, what do you think will happen?


  • Calling a person by the wrong pronoun is insulting, simple as that. The social convention is: "I say 'he' if and only if the person in question is male". Thus, calling for instance a transgender woman 'he' or a cisgender man 'she', is saying you don't see them as a man/woman, thus denying a part of their identity, just like when you call them by the wrong name.

    I'm sure you would agree that a man with long hair or whatever should be called 'he', so I also don't see why that doesn't extend to transgender men for example.

    • I have no problem flipping 'he' and 'she'. I find some of the asks around 'they' to be too much; it works easily in some cases but not all. The demands around 'zir' and all the other pronounisms people have come up with seem excessive to me.

      3 replies →

    • > The social convention is: "I say 'he' if and only if the person in question is male".

      Yes. Therefore by that convention:

      > calling for instance a transgender woman 'he'

      is entirely reasonable, because "transgender women" are, by definition, of the male sex.

      If you don't agree with that, maybe this article will provide some food for thought: