Comment by llm_nerd

6 days ago


> If we forbid words that offend someone, somewhere, we would be left with no language.

And yet, according to you, we've banned all sorts of words based on offense and society is still standing.

I think it's interesting that you're simultaneously insisting that there is no conspiracy, and yet you're describing something that is demonstrably not true, and not out in the open. There has been no elimination of white families from the mainstream. The overwhelming majority of all positions of power globally are held by white people. Where is the real-world harm? Overzealous models? A commercial with a lesbian couple in it? What you don't realize is that you've recreated so-called "woke panic" -- you're just doing a right wing version of it whatever your stated beliefs.

And your last graf displays this really well:

> I despise Trump, Musk, MAGA, and conservatism in general. Gamergate was largely a bunch of incels attacking any women who dared to be in gaming or game journalism. Yet I have the awareness of the world enough to see that the "woke" nonsense, particularly woke racism/sexism, has been massively destructive to progressivism and leftist causes. It's literally why the world is going to have four dangerous years of Trump.

You're blaming Kamala Harris' disastrous campaign on woke. Why did her campaign start so late? Why wasn't she nominated to that position in the primary? Because the Democratic party chose to elevate the feelings of Joseph Biden, a literal segregationist and misogynist, over even winning elections. They had no chance at all once they did that. But you can't even look at reality as it is because you're fixated on your imaginary witch hunt. I can't help you with that.

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    • > You seem to have some trouble following along if this is your ridiculous take on what has been discussed. Some words went from being benign to being cancelled as language evolved. Saying someone somewhere was offended at some point in the past to dismiss this absolute reality is just noisy No True Scotsman nonsense.

      I mean.. you're the one who said it was unworkable? Be more exact in your language? What language is acceptable in a given society is a function of ideology and power. There has never never been this halycon period of free speech. Just speech amenable to whatever your ideology is.

      > How much of leadership of China is white? India? Japan? Vietnam? Nigeria? Egypt? Saudi Arabia? Do they have governments that represent modern audiences?

      It's actually hilarious, because all of the countries you're mentioning were previously colonized. They literally all engaged in armed revolution to overthrow white overlords.

      > To fix this they put in a dictum that all promotions beyond a certain level could be anything but white male outside of a great exception policy. This was, again, not conspiracy but an open DEI policy. Now, that's great that they're righting their own wrongs, so to speak, but for the thousands of white males in this company it instantly put a giant concrete ceiling over them. I was already on my way out so to me it was hilarious, but this sort of "now we right those wrongs!" rightly cause enormous grievances.

      You shouldn't be posting about this on HN. Just sue them! It's the perfect time. Post about the suit on HN if you need to. That policy is broadly illegal. But I don't think you will, because it didn't happen.

      > Ah yes, the old "if only they were more "woke" they would totally have won the election against a literal rapist felon charity-stealing smooth-brain.

      Again, you're shoehorning wokeness into a conversation where it doesn't exist. You've stared into the Palantir for too long lol. The Democrats didn't need to be woke, they just needed to run as a competent party! They didn't do that in service of wokeness, they did it in service of a hyper-conservative status quo and importantly, against the interests of minorities. Kamala Harris then campaigned on deporting immigrants and having the strongest military in the world. She had corrupt police on stage at the DNC and kicked Palestinian activists out. She was a prosecutor for gods sake, she's not woke. So why do you continue to insist that her performance was about wokeness?

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