Comment by boplicity

2 months ago

I think what PGs article misses, pretty much completely, is a more accurate definition of the work woke, which is:

>A word used to label another's political beliefs and activism as incorrect and foolish, particularly if that person is seen as "left leaning" or "progressive."

In other words, it's common usage has devolved to mean "you're an idiot."

This is a travesty, really, because its use erases any chance to have an honest dialogue about the topics and behaviors being labelled as "woke."

For example, people could instead say: "I disagree with X behavior, and here's why." Instead, people say: "look at that woke idiot." (And really, this is not an exaggeration.)

The normal behavior you describe, of people pointing things out, with others' responding in kind, has little to do with the common usage of the word "woke," which has simply become a form of name-calling.

And it is unfortunate, because there is much to criticize about activists on the left, but name calling is in no way helpful, and instead, drives further reductive discourse.

This is it.

Well organised and destructive conservatives across much of the western world, have conspired successfully to nullify the positive effect of a word once used to elide wide ranging ideas and discussions on the subject of social justice.

This is social media at it's most galling.

Though alongside that, we now have a wider appreciation of a long list historical crimes, and the longstanding effect of those transgressions.

In that sense, we have all become 'woke'.

  • > Whenever anyone tries to ban saying something that we'd previously been able to say, our initial assumption should be that they're wrong. Only our initial assumption of course. If they can prove we should stop say

    For example, is a discussion about the defacement of the Black Hills a 'priggish' waste of time, or a valuable lesson about the real history of the United States?

> In other words, it's common usage has devolved to mean "you're an idiot."

So liberals call conservative idiots "woke"? I think people have lost the plot here in trying to define this word.