Comment by moshegramovsky
2 months ago
Right, but the problem is that consequences for a cop shooting a black person for dating a white girl don't seem to be the same as the consequences for homicide.
2 months ago
Right, but the problem is that consequences for a cop shooting a black person for dating a white girl don't seem to be the same as the consequences for homicide.
Can you cite a case where this happened and the consequences were unreasonably light?
There's stuff all the time:
Or here's a case where 6 officers collude to torture 2 black people to death ( Surely they'll get a real sentence now that it's news, but it makes you wonder how many cases never get identified as racially-based when the investigators are the perpetrators.
And boy it sure does seem odd that further south you go the more of a problem it is... I wonder what could explain that phenomenon....
Which of these links describes "a cop shooting a black person for dating a white girl"?