Comment by astrange
2 months ago
> The left isn’t talking about “wokeness”.
They are (or were throughout the 2010s), but they have a way of talking about it where they do it, but then claim it doesn't exist if anyone tries to give a name to it. So "wokeness isn't real" is a popular way to say "wokeness is real and I think it's good". Sometimes this is called Voldemorting.
I personally think it's good but also think it's real.
> They are (or were throughout the 2010s)
More thoroughly:
* The online left was using terms like "social justice warrior" to describe themselves in the late 2000s/early 2010s. Some of them even used alternate terms to try and fit their kind of activism closer, one I remember being "social justice paladin".
* The first big round of backlash turned SJW into an insult in the mid 2010s, so they rebranded themselves as "woke".
* As the backlash grew, "woke" was also turned into an insult.
* DEI was the most recent rebranding, but since that describes actions instead of the people doing the actions there wasn't really a way to turn it directly into an insult, and "progressive" isn't zing-y enough to catch on, so "woke" stuck.
Nah, those were always right wing smears used to bully people. There's no rebranding. Bullying through online trolling goes through meme fads.
It's called the Motte and Bailey fallacy
We just call it not bring racist. We also used phrases like stay woke long before 2010 and conservative whining.
>We just call it not bring racist.
No, you do not. I know this because when I advocate for actually not being racist, members of your group call me racist for it.
I am the one who seeks policies that do not take a person's race into consideration when making decisions where race is clearly a priori irrelevant. That is what it means not to be racist.
Your group is the one that insists that doing so is necessary to achieve a moral outcome.