Comment by cycrutchfield

2 months ago

> A person who actively discriminates in hiring against black people but doesn't call anyone a slur is seen as more virtuous as someone who doesn't discriminate, yet uses the slur in jest. The first behavior is seen as more excusable than the second, although an actual reasonable moral judgement makes it evident it's not.

What in the world are you talking about?

Imagine company A and B.

A report comes out, turns out that a certain HR person in company A hasn't hired a single black applicant since they got there.

At the same time, a video comes out showing the equivalent person in company B saying the n word in passing.

In this situation, it's maybe considered that the person in A might be racist, while it's completely assumed the person in B is.

  • I swear, you people make up the most creative mental gymnastics to rationalize why you should be allowed to call people the n-word.