Comment by HDThoreaun

2 months ago

He is absolutely not. He’s a science denier and routinely has anti vaxxers on without pushing back on their ideas

You’re never gonna believe this but the hippie granola left were the original antivaxxers. The first places where you started hearing about measles outbreaks in the US were all affluent left leaning communities with a strong granola contingent, like Santa Monica, California.

  • You’re never going to believe this but those people are no longer on the left. Its passed them by

    • That is kind of the point Paul is making in his essay. The most progressive people are pushing an ever evolving definition of what it means to be racist or anti-science or a bigot.

      This is why Trump won. People got tired of being told they were a bigot if they expressed any concerns that were not inline with the most recent trends of progressivism.

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