Comment by btreecat

2 months ago

>that being looking past the status quo and instead looking at your own values, i.e. the morality of homelessness and not having a disdain for them but empathy for them instead.

If you're going to be reductive with someone's argument, at least use the entire argument.

If we do, IDK how you can say woke is just oppositional positions when that wasn't the idea OP proposed.

Because it's actually just a verbal cudgel used by the right for things they don't like. Religious groups especially have all sorts of arbitrary rules for which words you can use to talk about them, and if you use the wrong words they'll absolutely cancel you - up to and including murder.

That is the entire argument though, it's just that the parent's idea is based on their own morality when, in fact, there is more than one morality in play. Flipping it on its head shows that it's not really about 'wokeness', which might as well be a thought terminating cliché at this point.

Here is another part of the parent's post which I alluded to:

> the people on the American political right see it as what this website describes it as “ A self-righteously moralistic person who behaves as if superior to others.”

This is why it's ironic. Two sides of the same coin: one group of righteous people claims moral superiority over another group of infidels, and vice-versa.

It's the Spidermen pointing at themselves meme. These conflicting beliefs can reasonably co-exist (as they always have done), so who stands to gain from treating them as mutually exclusive (there can only be one?)?