Comment by mschuster91

2 months ago

Good luck when the TCP or SSL stack has an issue. These bugs are rare but they do exist and you're getting fucked royally if your entire perimeter defense was a basic auth prompt.

Windows and Linux have both had their fair share of network stack bugs, OpenSSL had Heartbleed and a few other bugs, and hell you might even run into bugs in Apache or whatever other webserver you are using.

It would have taken several days to heartbleed your private key in 2013 if you also added fail2ban. Your home lab probably isn't on the high priority target list.

  • > Your home lab probably isn't on the high priority target list.

    Yeah but these days with botnets widely available to hire? Everything is fair game and whatever you run gets indexed on Shodan and whatever almost immediately. The game has never been easier for skiddies and other low-skill attackers, and mining cryptocoins or hosting VPN exit nodes makes even a homelab a juicy target.

    My homelab for example sports four third-hand HP servers with a total of about 256GB RAM and 64 CPU cores on a 200/50 DSL link. That's more than enough horsepower to cause serious damage from.

    • Heartbleed has been patched, so unless you know a serious attack vector, I'm not sure where this is going.