Comment by thedanbob

4 days ago

The county where I live recently (within the last couple of years) redid a two-way stop along the road I take to work. It used to be east-west that had the stop signs, but for some reason they switched them to north-south. Even more baffling, they didn't repaint the stop lines so east-west still had those and north-south didn't. It effectively turned the intersection into a four-way stop with extra confusion, frustration, and danger.

They eventually turned it into an actual four-way, thankfully. I think everyone would have been happier if they just hadn't messed with it in the first place.

should've been a roundabout with 0 stops

  • Roundabouts aren't great for pedestrians. You need to trust the drivers' signals.

    • Where I'm from it's exactly the opposite - straight road means you can't trust drivers to slow down, but any obstacle like a big mound with a road in a circle around it makes them pay attention

      3 replies →

  • I would love it if roundabouts caught on in the states, at least the single-lane ones. Multi-lane and the huge ones with traffic lights always scared me when driving in the UK.