Comment by ecshafer

2 months ago

The lack of physical safety is caused by many things, and I doubt you can lay the blame on people complaining about wokeness. There are bullys, drug dealers, gangs, normal hormonal teenagers fighting, interpersonal drama, romance, poverty. All sorts of things influencing the violence.

I was referring to complacency as it relates to guns and the horrific violence inflicted with said guns.

Bullies are everywhere. One runs X. You deal with them.

I never saw any drug dealers or gangs and the rest of what you’re describing sounds like what I’d expect as a normal part of growing up.

One of our many societal shortcomings (or outright failures) is that we treat poverty as a moral failing, not with any sort of kindness, interest in understanding the root cause(s) or meaningful attempts to address the issue.

  • > we treat poverty as a moral failing

    I don’t think we do this consistently, and to the extent “we” do, it’s because we’ve lost the distinction between the working and striving poor vs the poor that consistently make poor choices no matter how much help you would give them.

  • > Bullies are everywhere. One runs X. You deal with them.

    Elon Musk yells at people, I knew bullies in High school that would put people into the hospital. There is a big difference between being yelled at and getting hit with a baseball bat.

    > I never saw any drug dealers or gangs

    Congratulations on not growing up in poverty. This is the reality for a large portion of America.