Comment by calibas
2 months ago
Consider video game RPGs. They're largely based upon D&D, yet they remove the dungeon master entirely. They are enormously more popular than D&D itself.
Now imagine something in between, where you have a video game, but the NPCs and parts of the story are controlled by an LLM. You can give the players much more freedom, and the creators don't have to write thousands of lines of dialog to account for every possible choice a player can make. The game doesn't have to be "on rails" so much, the LLM can help speed the story along when the player gets confused, and you can have NPCs with much more depth than just several lines of static dialog.
How well this will work in practice remains to be seen. In my experience, ChatGPT itself is a painfully generic DM that relies upon repetitive fantasy tropes. You still need an actual human being to create an interesting story and add depth to the world.
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