Comment by smileysteve

2 months ago

This solves for the US national security issue; in the event of war between China and Taiwan (and a possible proxy war with US), Taiwan immigration would qualify for asylum.

> This solves for the US national security issue

I mean, maybe it's okay that some other country is better than you at something important. Excuse me but: the arrogance.

  • OK. Cards on the table.

    This is not arrogance. This is not even about China and Taiwan fighting a war. (Heck, that's probably never gonna happen anyway.)

    This is about the US manufacturing important things on our own. And it's not just the US either by the way. The Europeans want to be able to manufacture their own chips. The Russians. The Chinese. The Japanese. The Koreans. And on and on and on.

    Why? Because the current system is dumb for everyone who is not Taiwan. For a whole lot of reasons. (Most of them economic.) No one wants to say that out loud, but it's the truth. We can't have everyone dependent on chips but only one nation capable of making them. Again, we're not the only ones who have come to this conclusion. Are the Chinese also "arrogant"? Are the Japanese "arrogant"? The Europeans? The Russians? Are the Koreans "arrogant"?

    So everyone else can make common sense moves, but it's "arrogant" if the US does the same common sense thing? So we should just keep paying out an increasing share of our GDP as chips become more and more important and expensive while everyone else makes moves to cut their costs right? Is that what we have to do to be considered not "arrogant"?

    People need to be a bit more reasonable.

Would that be the thing that Trump says he wants to stop on day one? Those asylum-seekers? The Trump who is inviting Xi to his inauguration?

  • You can't really be this obtuse. Asylum of high-skilled silicon workers from an ally under invasion isn't nearly the same thing as the asylum being granted over the last 4 years to anyone who could download the CBP One app.

    Trump is inviting Xi as a troll / show of power.

    • > the asylum being granted over the last 4 years to anyone who could download the CBP One app

      This is entirely unmoored from reality. CBP One only allows people from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela to make appointments, and once they have one, they have to actually show up and argue their case (why they need to come to the US for their own safety). You can’t just show a border patrol officer that you have CBP One and walk on through.

    • Why don’t you have Elon Musk explain that to Trump’s base who don’t give a shit about Taiwan or H1-Bs