Comment by forgetfreeman

2 months ago

While you aren't wrong per se, I fail to see the fault in aggressively disincentivizing the act of searching for an outlet to stick a fork in.

The fault is that science is - or should be - about the pursuit of truth. I don't subscribe to the HBD hypothesis, but if it is true, then that's all that matters. We need to understand the world as it really is, not as we wish it was, so we should never disincentivize lines of inquiry based on the fact that some people might use the results in unsavory ways.

  • If the truth presents no actionable benefit, but at the same time puts a club in the hands of sociopaths, why would any reasonable person go seeking it?

    • How would you know the difference until you find the truth?

      Are you suggesting we shouldn't have sought nukes?

      That eve should not have eaten that fruit?

      Who determines which truth isn't worth pursuing or dangerous to?

      Maybe we should pursue no truth?

      2 replies →