Comment by narrator

2 months ago

Ok guys, this climate change stuff is temporarily off the menu until we win the great power AI war with China. Same goes for nuclear power. Send the memo out that we love nuclear power now after 40 years of hating it.[1]


Climate change stuff is off the menu until Americans elect a president that actually believes in climate change.

There is no "power AI war with China", this is just another pretext from the GOP to fuel the extraction industry with public money, and "drill, baby, drill".

  • What about the nuclear power stuff though? That was a Biden initiative and a huge reversal of the past 40 years of Democratic Party policy. Just seems like things are moving in energy policy.

    • It's too little, too late, but I'll still take it. However I still have a hard time believing banks and other private actors will go through funding 20+ years projects like nuclear reactors in today's short-termist economy.