Comment by thih9
16 days ago
The panopticon design was originally intended for schools too, as well as other institutions:
> Bentham conceived the basic plan as being equally applicable to hospitals, schools, sanatoriums, and asylums. He devoted most of his efforts to developing a design for a panopticon prison, so the term now usually refers to that.
Whether it’s friendly and encourages healthy development is another question.
The criticism section of the Wikipedia article focuses on political aspects, but to me, the very idea of keeping someone feeling like they're always watched sounds like psychological torture.
In fairness if you’ve ever been bullied and corned out of view of the teachers, having someone seeing you may feel like a relief.
Many of the bullying stories on here involve either a do-nothing response by authorities or both sides being punished. I do not see how constant monitoring ensures any kind of protection or justice.
That assumes they'll do anything instead of turn a blind eye.
In my school experience they turned a blind eye unless you fought back in which case they would punish you for fighting back.
And yet, I bet when you make a trade on craigslist (showing my age :), you meet in a public place where people can see you. Why?
Key word is always. It's not just about being observed (with or without knowing when and by whom), but also having no control over it.
Craiglist-mediated exchange is a choice. School, prison or workplace is not - not in any practical sense.
I don't think I've ever met in a public place for Craigslist trades. I've always gone to the seller's house. I don't think we've ever sold anything, but when we put something up for free online we just leave it outside and tell them to come get it.