Comment by sigmoid10
3 days ago
The author isn't inventing anything. He's just dumbing it down in an extreme way so that non-physicists could have the faintest hope of understanding it. Wich seems odd, because if you actually want to understand any of this you should prepare to spend two or three years in university level math classes first. The truth is that in reality all this is actually a lot more complex. In the Higgs field (or any simple scalar field for that matter) for example, there is a free parameter that we could immediately identify as "mass" in the way described in the article. But weirdly enough, this is not the mass of the Higgs boson (because of some complicated shenanigans). Even more counterintuitive, fermionic (aka matter) fields and massive bosonic fields (i.e. the W and Z bosons mentioned in the article) in the Standard Model don't have any mass term by themselves at all. They only get something that looks (and behaves) like a mass term from their coupling to the Higgs field. So it's the "stiffness" of the Higgs field (highly oversimplified) that gives rise to the "stiffness" of the other fields through complex interactions governed by symmetries. And to put it to the extreme, the physical mass you can measaure in a laboratory is something that depends on the energy scale at which you perform your experiments. So even if you did years of math and took an intro to QFT class and finally think you begin to understand all this, Renormalization Group Theory comes in kicks you back down. If you go really deep, you'll run into issues like Landau Poles and Quantum Triviality and the very nature of what perturbation theory can tell us about reality after all. In the end you will be two thirds through grad school by the time you can comfortably discuss any of this. The origin of mass is a really convoluted construct and these low-level discussions of it will always paint a tainted picture. If you want the truth, you can only trust the math.
I think perhaps the 'maths' at the bottom is a bit of a retelling of the Yukawa potential which you can get in a "relatively understandable" way from the Klein-Gordon equation. However, the KG equation is very very wrong!
Perhaps an approach trying to actually explain the Feynman propagators would be more helpful? Either way, I agree that if someone wanted to understand this all properly it requires a university education + years of postgrad exposure to the delights of QED / electroweak theory. If anyone here wants a relatively understandable deep dive, my favourite books are Quantum Field Theory for the Gifted Amateur [aka graduate student] by Stephen Blundell [who taught me] and Tom Lancester [his former graduate student], and also Quarks and Leptons by Halzel and Martin. It is not a short road.
The Yukawa potential is also just a more "classical" limit of an inherently quantum mechanical process. Sure you can explain things with it and even do some practical calculations, but if you plan on going to the bottom of it it'll always fail. If you want to explain Feynman propagators correctly you basically have to explain so many other things first, you might as well write a whole book. And even then you're trapped in the confines of perturbation theory, which is only a tiny window into a much bigger world. I really don't think it is possible to convey these things in a way that is both accurate (in the sense that it won't lead to misunderstandings) and simple enough so that people without some hefty prerequisites can truly understand it. I wish it were different. Because this is causing a growing rift between scientists and the normal population.
IIRC, Feynman said something like "I can't explain magnetism to a layperson in terms they can understand."
> ...causing a growing rift between scientists and the normal population.
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I haven't read the other two, but I'll second 'Quarks and Leptons'. I do believe it's Halzen though, rather than Halzel...
> the KG equation is very very wrong!
How so? It's the standard equation for a scalar (spin zero) field.
The biggest glaring issue with it (eg in the form (square^2+m^2)\psi=0) is that it is a manifestly Lorentz invariant equation in which particle number is conserved (which is highly unlikely for any relativistic interaction). I know that you can extend it into a scalar field theory proper, quantize it, and sidestep around those issues (and use it as a model in cmp!), but the bigger problem I think is that you really need spin -- and ideally all other interactions...
Fortuitously the author of the posted article also has a series on the Higgs mechanism (with the math, but still including some simplifications):
Those posts would really benefit from some math typesetting in latex.
I wholeheartedly agree.
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At some point our understanding of fundamental reality will be limited not by how much the physicists have uncovered but by how many years of university it would take to explain it. In the end each of us only has one lifetime.