Comment by Levitz

2 months ago

It's not about groups labeling themselves as fascist. It's about groups labeling others as fascist.

Trump and the republican party at large has been called a fascist a truckload of times. This alone means "antifa" can take action against an immense swath of the population.

In the exact same way, there are groups that label themselves as communists or hell, even pedophiles, and we should still be wary if the anti-commie or anti-pedo force showed up because you can't trust vigilantes not to be utter morons.

"antifa" isn't an organized group --- it's some loose coalition of people. The few times I've ever seen people who call themselves an antifa action it was against genuine fascist/neo-fascist militia collectives like the oath keepers, 3-percenters, and patriot front.

I know there's some wild imaginations depicting other things but they aren't grounded in reality.

There aren't anarchists marching with face-coverings, helmets, weapons, and tactical gear shouting pronouns to overtake blue cities. The craziest fictions people convince themselves of.

This is probably the most organized group there is: ... they're pretty focused. The Rose City Nationalists for instance, is a splinter group kicked out of the Proud Boys for being too extreme, similar to how the Black Legion split off from the KKK.