Comment by stonesthrowaway
2 months ago
> Why doesn’t China simply open up for domestic competition?
China does allow competition. It's just that google, facebook, etc chose not to follow chinese laws.
> they have so much to lose by growing anti-sino sentiments abroad all because they didn’t want US tech monopolies to compete in their home turf
Funny how microsoft, apple, tesla, etc are competing in china?
You are just parroting stale propaganda.
> China does allow competition. It's just that google, facebook, etc chose not to follow chinese laws.
HAHA, thanks for giving me a good laugh
Typical pathetic response from a silly political activist. There are tons of american companies operating in china. I listed few of the biggest. Google used to operate in china. But when china tighten their laws, google chose not to follow them and left. Probably because google, like facebook, are state sponsored propaganda outfits. Unlike tiktok...
Really skipped over expanding on the CCP laws that Google chose not follow, didn't ya?
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