Comment by grumple

2 months ago


> No, it really isn't.

I wonder what you know about Genocide better than experts in Holocaust studies and other genocides themselves.

  William Schabas, author of the 741-page textbook, "Genocide in International Law" - says it's a genocide in Gaza. 

  John Quigley, author of the 300-page book, "The Genocide Convention: An International Law Analysis" - says it's a genocide in Gaza. 

  @martinshawx, author of the books "What is Genocide?" and "War and Genocide" - says it's a genocide.   

  @dirkmoses, author of the 600-page book, "The Problems of Genocide" - says it's a genocide in Gaza. 

  Raz Segal, author of "Genocide in the Carpathians" - says it's a genocide in Gaza. 

  Amos Goldberg, author of books on Holocaust, says it's a genocide in Gaza 

  @bartov_omer, author of several books on Holocaust and genocide, says it's a genocide in Gaza.    
  But why to listen to the experts in law and genocide studies? Why to bother to read the extensive human rights reports? 

  Listen to @piersmorgan instead; he has a gut feeling.

> This is war, this is how it goes.

Yeah, war is how "I was just following orders" German troops justified killing 12m+ in concentration camps. Goebbels said, "The Jews are responsible for the war. The treatment they receive from us is hardly unjust. They have deserved it all." Don't be like Goebbels.

> the 2 billion Muslims that hate Jews

Yeah, well: I know a handful Muslims who married Jews.

> and all you did was bitch on the internet, I'd be ashamed to know you


  • Unfortunately, popular opinion - at least of the far left - has always been united against Israel. In fact, many of those authors called it a genocide before this war. You can find plenty of such accusations on Twitter from prior to 10/10, when Israel started responding to the attack. You have many groups blaming Israel for all sorts of absurd things - like the fires in California. I wish I was joking. If not for Israel and the Jews, we'd have world peace - at least that's what you'd think if you listened to these groups.

    It is an extension of populist antisemitism. I encourage you to think about this on your own: why is Israel condemned for 45k deaths in a war they didn't start, where half of the killed are militants, where Israel is literally providing aid to their enemy, while the Houthis, responsible for 300k dead in the past decade, including many children via starvation, who have brought back slavery in Yemen, are lauded for attacking western shipping and have fanboys of one of their murderous pirates? Where is the criticism for Muslims planning terror attacks against the west, and against individual Jews globally? Why do leftists love the idea of jihad and intifada, but not a nation defending itself?

    Meanwhile, most "genocide" decriers seem to have ignored the tens of thousands of rockets, missiles, and drones launched at Israeli civilians from Gaza, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, and Yemen. They ignore the videos of Gazans chearing in the streets and spitting on corpses. The open calls for exterminating the Jews from the Houthis, Hezbollah, Hamas, PIJ, Iran, and more. There is one side calling for the extermination of the other and taking actions to make it so - the Muslims trying to destroy Israel and calling for and taking actions to kill Jews globally.

    • > In fact, many of those authors called it a genocide before this war.

      That's because Ralph Lemkin, who coined the term "Genocide" in the wake of the Shoah, identified 10 stages, and mass extinction event is the final stage. He posited that once mass extinction commences it almost impossible to stop without incurring a significant cost to whoever wants to stop it (and so, he implored powers-that-be recognize it before the event & not after):

      > If not for Israel and the Jews, we'd have world peace - at least that's what you'd think if you listened to these groups.

      I know. And it is totally absurd like you say. Racists (antisemites in this case) will never make any sense. Historians specializing in genocide / Holocaust, on the other hand, are experts in their fields.

      > Where is the criticism for Muslims planning terror attacks against the west, and against individual Jews globally?

      You are joking? ALL Muslims are vilified by many in almost every Western country and in countries where Muslims are a significant minority (like India). Like antisemitism, anti-Muslim racism is every which where.

      > the Muslims trying to destroy Israel

      Unsure why you blame ALL 2b Muslims. I mean, you're no different than those antisemites who blame the Jewish people for all of world's problems. As a test, replace "Muslims" with "Jews" in your sentences and see if they read antisemitic to you.

      Besides, Pakistan, a Muslim country, has 300+ nuclear warheads and Inter-continental ballistic missiles capability; and if ALL Muslims without exception, like you say, are rabidly hell-bent on destroying Israel, what are the Pakistanis waiting for? Please, snap out of this Islamophobic hysteria.