Comment by advisedwang
2 months ago
Yes, we should also forbid books published by Chinese publishing companies because the CPC might pressure those companies to put propaganda in the books.
We should also forbid Hollywood from selling movies in China, because as we've already seen that means the movies are being adjusted to get approval in China.
We should also forbid Chinese citizens talking to Americans, because they might convince Americans on a topic we don't can't allow American minds to be changed about.
The first two don't apply because they don't share the hyper personalized nature of social media. No two people see the same thing so it's impossible to react to foreign propaganda. Books and movies don't work that way.
Third example is irrelevant because it's impossible to achieve the efficiency (reach) that social media has.
I don't really see your point. Tiktok is a video library. With the exception of private videos, anything hosted on the app can be viewed by anyone. Whether or not the app provides a personalized algorithmic selection of videos does not have any bearing on the more fundamental question of whether American's have the right to access foreign media.
Of course it's relevant. TikTok should be considered a broadcaster. We have not allowed foreign ownership of a broadcaster since 1934.
A book does not broadcast in the same way.
3 replies →
We live in a democracy. If you get enough people to vote for this platform, then sure let's do it.
You can't compare a popular bipartisan law to a hypothetical thing you just made up.
Peoples' votes matter
I didn't seen any election in which this was on the table. This issue is popular and bipartisan amongst congresspeople, but that cannot be extrapolated to the public.
Moreover when there's 100s of issues at stake in any election you will inevitably have to vote for a candidate that disagrees with you on some of them.
Moreover the entire point of "rights" like free speech is that some things need to be protected beyond a simple majority.
The popular vote for president would like a word. And, yes, I know Trump won that too, but the point still stands that it doesn't matter.