Comment by I_AM_A_SMURF

2 months ago

We certainly _do_ want this. I think the fact that we let a foreign company own a social media platform in the first place is preposterous. As others have said, we would never let the CCP own a TV broadcast, why should we let china own a major social media platform? That's just absurd.

“We” do not want surveillance propaganda targeted towards children. The US government does not want Chinese surveillance propaganda targeted toward children. They’re perfectly happy when it’s done on US soil under US jurisdiction.

If we don't want this then we simply won't make an account on those platforms...

YOU want this ban and you don't like that OTHER PEOPLE like TikTok. Clearly you don't have a TikTok account and that's not enough. You want to make sure no one else is allowed to have a TikTok account either

Instead of spreading the message about possible harms you'd rather ban other people's abilities

You do realize that in vast majority of all countries, all major social media platforms are owned by foreign companies?

There seems to be a real risk of propaganda on Tiktok, but foreign ownership alone isn't a sound reason for a ban.

  • > foreign ownership alone isn't a sound reason for a ban

    You're right -- but foreign ownership by a repressive regime with undemocratic ideals certainly is. For example, I don't think anyone would be too concerned if a European country was the one that founded & owned TikTok.

    • But if it would be a US company people in Europe would have the same kind of distrust like they have right now with china.

      The US is even working on their great Firewall. It's red apples Vs blue apples at this point.

  • Or should it be reason enough. The EU should ban Meta as well, no question. This foreign propaganda, risking mental health in teenagers and all that stuff is US propaganda shoved down our eyes.

There are foreign-controlled TV networks in the US. Not over-the-air, but that's probably due to them being niche more than anything.

  • Part of it is almost certainly due to the FCC controlling licenses for what is broadcast over the air.

I watch like 25 hours of TikTok a week. I absolutely love it.

I certainly _do_not_ want this.