Comment by 1vuio0pswjnm7

2 months ago

Perhaps other countries will also regulate or ban social media companies.

I'm rooting for a Twitter ban in Europe. Musk has shown willingness to temper with elections in at least two European countries, and the ban would also leave a message for Zuck.

  • You'd rather bad actors like Soros used their $billions to manipulate elections in the shadows? At least Musk is upfront.

    Like many celebrities he's chosen to endorse a political candidate and make donations. Like many celebrities he has large influence.

    But the difference with Musk is he's supporting a political side that you don't like.

    • Foreign interference is foreign interference. If you don't tolerate it at home, don't promote it abroad.

Countries like China, where TikTok is from, already ban US social media.

The other countries you’re presumably thinking of are our allies and typically our propaganda aligns with their (governments’) interests. China’s interests do not.