Comment by bluSCALE4

2 months ago

I don't know why this is downvoted. Do people not realize Gaza was razed to the ground?

If Israeli goals really were to displace Palestinians, maybe they'd start within Israel proper first?

  • A subtle comment, which may be misunderstood.

    The point is that they are NOT starting with Israel proper first, where Arabs are and have been citizens for a long time. Palestinians have been elected to the Israeli parliament, and there is an Arab Justice on the Israeli Supreme Court.

  • Are you being facetious? If you are, that's awesome and hilarious.

    • Just in case you are unaware, there are two million Arab Muslims citizens in Israel. Some of them consider themselves Palestinians (which is really a nationalist movement), some do not - but they are the same people / ethnic group that was there during the 48 war. These are full citizens, full members of Israeli society, not the Palestinian non-citizens in East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza.

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