Comment by bko

3 days ago

Honest question, but why haven't there been "I will sacrifice everything to wipe [country]" generations sowing havoc on neighbors after Dresden, Nagasaki, Nanjing or others?

I think the west learned after WW1 that it’s better to rebuild your enemies in corporation than punish them when you win and let grudges fester.

  • Aid to Germany after World War II under the Marshall Plan totaled $14 billion ($60 billion in today’s value), averaging $272 per capita across participating nations over four years. In contrast, Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank have received $1,330 per capita since 1993, or $161 annually, more than twice the per-capita annual aid under the Marshall Plan

Dresden and Nagasaki, we managed to convince them they were at fault to some degree.

Nanjing, well, Chinese sentiment is still very anti-Japan because of that and all the other atrocities. And proportionally to size/population, the destruction visited on Gaza in the past year and a quarter goes far beyond what Japan did in China.

Frankly, because even the Nazis weren't as much of a death cult as present-day Islamists.

I believe the reason was that the Nazis were forced to repent due to the Allied occupation. They also had to pay billions in reparations to Jews affected by the Holocaust. If that hadn't happened and the NSDAP had been allowed to continue to dominate German politics, I bet millions of Jews who lost their loved ones in the Holocaust would seek revenge on the Germans. Similarly, if the Zionist regime were toppled and replaced with one that treated Palestinians as humans, rather than as animals, feelings of deep hatred would dissipate.

Oh because the a lot of the apparatchiks of the Nazi and Imperial Japanese regimes were absorbed into the western countries (operation paperclip, unit 731 amnesties, ratlines => colonia dignidad, jakarta method masterminded by Nazis mindset in the CIA) and the remaining nazis were propped up by the allies in west germany to continue their reign after all the dust was settled after which they eventually and successfully absorbed east germany. Note; Germany was never denazified.

Ok now a double honest question, why do zionists have unlimited justifications for committing a holocaust over the last 15 months+? And how many oceans of Palestinian children's blood does it take to wash away German guilt?

  • [flagged]

    • Fascinating! Now imagine how offensive it is to normal people for zionists to actually commit a holocaust and make unlimited justifications for it while crying victim!

      This is exactly what the Nazis did, they tried to justify the mass industrial slaughter of the whole by claiming to be attacked unprovoked by a subset of uprisers and making antisemetic justifications while crying about bankers. Gas and Cry is what the Nazis did. Main difference is that now flying demons vaporize children into a thin instead with 2000lb American bombs.

      Just as Nazis don't get to reductively define nazism (as simply the right to an Ubermensch Lebensraum) after 15 years of atrocities and 1 holocaust, zionists do not get to reductively define zionism (as simply the the right to a Jubermensch Lebensraum) [I'm impressed that you've reduced it even more as merely "the right for Jews to exist", nice try] after 76 years of atrocities and 1 holocaust. Both are defined by their victims!

      All these narrative traps do not work anymore. There is no justification for committing a holocaust. Not now. Not then. Not ever. No matter claims as to who controls what, no matter why rose up against whom, no matter whose religion says what.

      Truly embarrassing for humanity that that has to be said.

      And speaking of a ratio to 300:1, that is the death ratio that Israel has exacted upon the population of Gaza per Lancet. Surprisingly that ratio did not apply to the Germans, as per demonic Israeli calculator there are currently 1.8bn (300 * 6m) too many Germans alive today. Quite forgiving to the Germans for some reason (see: Otto Skorzeny).

      2 replies →

Did the residents of Dresden have to live in an open air prison for 75 years in a tiny corner of the city after they were bombed?