Comment by stonesthrowaway

16 days ago

> I have never seen so many downvoted comments

Must be those pesky chinese or russian bots. Or could it be something else entirely? A chosen group of bots perhaps?

> that aren’t dead in a thread before.

Give it some time. They start with the downvotes and when things quiet down some, then come the mass flagging of comments.

honestly, one thing I like about this conflict is that euphamistic comments like this don't get you banned anymore.

the ostracizing has been diluted so much that its become even counterproductive. everyone can laugh about something as benign as that, as the real frictions have been laid bare for all to see.

  • > honestly, one thing I like about this conflict is that euphamistic comments like this don't get you banned anymore.

    What? It's more likely to get you banned. Not only that, it gets minority and female college presidents fired. Something unthinkable prior to this "conflict".

    All one can do is push back against the propaganda and censorship.