Comment by OhMeadhbh
2 months ago
Disappointing. DuckDuckGo seems to still work w/o JS enabled. But Bing also fails to do anything w/o JS. HN comments still seem to work, thankfully.
2 months ago
Disappointing. DuckDuckGo seems to still work w/o JS enabled. But Bing also fails to do anything w/o JS. HN comments still seem to work, thankfully.
DuckDuckGo specifically offers JS-free frontends and Bing still works -- it's just their tracking redirect pages that require JS. Thankfully userscripts exist to deobfuscate the tracking URLs to plain ones on search results (as they're slightly more complex than Googles)
How do you get Bing to work? I go there, type in a query, hit return and then nothing. The eyeglass icon seems like it could be a search button, but nothing happens when it's clicked. I should mention I'm trying it on Firefox 128.6.0esr.
Can userscripts run in a page which has JS disabled?