Comment by emchammer

2 months ago

Doesn't the Torah count for something? It works slower than fiber optics but is massively parallel.

No, that's mythology. Actual history is The Balfour Declaration:

And Nakba:

  • Before the Balfour Declaration, the British promised the region to the Arabs if they helped fight against the Ottoman Empire via the McMahon–Hussein correspondence:

    Basically, the region was double promised to both sides during WWI, Arabs in the region being promised it first. This crucial detail is somehow often left out of any discussion regarding the Balfour Declaration even though it preceded it.

    • You truly fail to realize that there were people living there, and it wasn't an empty plot of land that could get promised by the British to one group or the other?

  • I think the Israeli and Palestinian authorities would let atheists decide their problems as long as they agree with what they want, baring that, your argument probably isn't going to land with any of them on its merits, especially if it calls their religions "mythology."

  • TIL that Balfour déclaration created the jewish people, and maintained it through history

    • I think there's some more you can learn today. The Jewish people have been around well before Christ or Muhammad - some where around 1000 BCE not since the Balfour declaration. That doesn't mean anything regarding this comment thread but that you should know the difference between Jewish people and Israel the state.

  • Even ignoring well-known Wikipedia bias in this issue, it is rarely a good source for "actual history"

  • The land claims of the territory both come from the Torah, in the end. Its just that the Jews and Muslims disagree on who God was referring to.

    • > The land claims of the territory both come from the Torah, in the end. Its just that the Jews and Muslims disagree on who God was referring to.

      What? Palestinians don't claim the land based on a promise by God. They claim it because they hold the legal documents going back for centuries. Even those expelled in 1948, still have the fucking keys covered with their grandparents blood after the Nakba ethnic cleansing.

      You know what? let's forget about legal documents, about who is native to the land by DNA, since it's you know "complicated", right?

      1. Zionists today (not a story in the past) continue to put outposts in Palestinians farms to snatch more and more land.

      2. Israeli troops and settlers killed 171 Palestinian children in the west bank (an area smaller than Delaware) in 2024 alone [1].

      3. They continue building illegal settlements on Palestinians land that's illegal even by US admission.

      4. Israel is taking advantage of the power vacuum in Syria and advancing deeper inside Syria borders while taking more and more cities. It's literally provoking and asking for another war where they will claim they were victims.

      5. The blood of tens of thousands of civilians in Gaza is still fresh [2] and more crimes in the past with no one held accountable, soldiers are literally posing and filming their war crimes with no accountability. Many humanitarian orgs believe the number of those killed is actually undercounted as many are still undocumented.

      They celebrates killing babies (who they claim will be terrorists of course) so soldiers are praised and incentivized to annex entire blood line like savages.

      Here's a challenge for you: Emit labels like "Palestinians" and "Israelis" and ask someone with no prejudice, hearing it for the first time, "who is in the wrong?" If you are honest and not manipulative you'll get your answer.

      But nah let's stick to the theory that the entire world is against us and respond to any other theory that it's "complicated" while continue committing war crimes openly admitted by our soldiers ever since Israel was established.[3]

      Do you agree that everyone who was involved in war crimes to be held responsible, no matter what ethnicity, religion, or passport they hold? That is the core of the problem, Israeli have done more terrible things than the side they claim as terrorists.




      1 reply →

> Doesn't the Torah count for something?

No, absolutely not.

If I try to use ancient religions to justify violently forcing a claim to your house and land, then you're entirely within your right to defend yourself by any means necessary. That's not a thing any more. This might help you understand: [0]

And, many Jewish people decry Zionism as a perversion.

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