Comment by gravisultra

2 months ago

Zionism is a colonial ideology created by Europeans in the late 1800s.


  • Yes, but it only happened after 1946.

    The worse part for Mizrahi Jews is that they endured tons of suffering for things they had nothing to do with, and that even in today's Israel they are kind of second-class citizens facing discrimination by Ashkenazi.

  • thats not true. before the declaration of independence, there was hardly any abar jews migration to Israel for several reasons:

    1. Arab jews lived peacefully among muslims and coexisted just fine, they were not subject to european disrimination and pogroms

    2. Iraqi jews did not want to immigrate to Israel, so Mossad planted bombs and organized false flags to scare them and force them to immigrate (

    3. Other arab countries also did not want to emigrate, Ben Gurion paid a lot of money for each family to encourage immigration. It is laughable to claim that arabs prosecuted jews, when in fact they coexisted for millennia and lived in the same neighborhoods without any segregation (that existed in Europe)

    4. Mizrahi jews who immigrated to Israel suffered from severe discrimination by european ashkenazi. Only low paid jobs were given to Arab jews due to racism. Same racism is towards yemeni jews who were even subject to illegal sterilization

    after the Nakba situation in arab countries changed, but it was reactionary to Nakba


  • > Colonialism is a leftist ideology created by college professors in the 1970s

    And that matters because…?

    > Furthermore, there is no colony without a mother country.

    I think you’re picking and choosing a definition of colony that fits your argument. Here’s a more applicable one:

    “ a body of people who settle far from home but maintain ties with their homeland; inhabitants remain nationals of their home state but are not literally under the home state's system of government”

    Instead of making ad hominem attacks and playing semantics, why not argue against the actual ideas?

    • I’m sure the people of Israel would have loved to maintain ties with their homeland but they have been run out of Europe and the Middle East. so where is this Jewish homeland that the colonists in Israel are maintaining ties to?

      I don’t know that I see a particular difference between ideas and semantics when the assertion is “Israel is a European colonialist project”

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  • > Also, in what upside-down universe is a forcibly expelled indigenous people returning home 'colonial'?

    Because they weren't forcibly expelled from Palestine!

    If I get unlawfully evicted from my new apartment that doesn't give me the right to go take my old apartment by force.

    By your logic I can use my 23 and me to prove the whole world belongs to me (excluding Australia and Antartica). That's not how this works.

    • I do not normally swear, but what the fuck? We absolutely were expelled (genocided, really).

      Or what else would you call the Romans banning us from our holy city Jerusalem (and renaming it, just like they renamed the whole region to try to deny our indigenousness, and also bulldozing our temple--you can go see it today, it's underneath the Al-Aqsa Mosque) and selling us as slaves around the empire and subsequent rulers forbidding us to return!?

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