Comment by WalterBright

2 months ago

QQQ is up 5x in 10 years. Being an ETF, that means many of its components must be 10x.

I suppose it's dependent on your time horizon. MSFT is up around 10x since Nadella took over. It's more common over 20 years, obviously.

Are 'many of its components up 10x'??

Isn't it the case that a few large cap stocks have the vast majority of the growth? If you didn't like Tesla, didn't like Nvidia, didn't like big 5 tech, you might have had very mediocre returns.

The other neat thing about ETFs is that there are so many similar, you can effectively use them for TLH to help offset future gains.

  • The IRS disallows wash sale deductions if you reinvest in a substantially similar investment within 30 days.

    I'm not an IRS agent and have no idea what they mean by substantially similar. You might want to talk to your tax accountant.

    • > substantially similar investment

      They actually use the word 'identical' instead of 'similar', if that matters. It seems to be a grey area with ETFs, and I'm not a financial advisor, so won't make any further claims.

      > You might want to talk to your tax accountant.

      Absolutely agreed. You can also just let a reputable robo do it for you if you don't have the time or energy for it, there are multiple. It is what I ended up doing. It's modest but every bit helps.

      3 replies →

    • IIRC they have never defined "substantially similar" and they don't actually go after people who sell etf X and immediately buy etf Y with an identical price graph