Comment by KikoHeit

2 months ago


This is just such a toxic thread.

What say did the civilian victims in Gaza have in the horrific acts by Hamas?

There isn’t even a glimmer of moderation in anything I see in the argument here.

  • What say did the Yemenite civilians have in the Saudi lead aggression.

    What say did the Syrian civilians have in the civil war.

    What say did the Iraqi civilians have in the U.S. lead war.

    What say did the Ukrainian and Russian civilians have in their war.

    Your remark comes off as there should never be a war again period. The Palestinian people voted Hamas in AND were polled in majority support. Beyond Hamas the general Palestinian civilians also had those helping Hamas, supporting Hamas, and over 60-80% viewings Hamas’s actions as just.

  • > There isn’t even a glimmer of moderation in anything I see in the argument here.

    At this point, would we be surprised if this thread turned out to be part of an OSINT campaign?

  • Civilians who die during war rarely have any responsibility for the things their leader do.

    What say did the average russian citizen have in putin's choice to invade Ukraine? And yet we are largely ok with ukraine bombing russia, killing some of those civilians in the process. That is the way of war.

    I believe we should focus on things that are violations of the rules of war, not civilian death in its entirety. Otherwise we are just saying war is evil, as innocents have died in pretty much every war. A true point perhaps but kind of useless. It also raises the question of what one should do when confronted with war? Just roll over and die.

    It has been alleged that Israel has violated rules of war. If true and backed up by evidence, it should be condemed for such violation. But civilian deaths are not a violation of the rules of war. They can be under certain circumstances, but they aren't in and of themselves.

    • Civilian deaths are a violation if they are intentional - and Israel has repeatedly, deliberately targeted civilians, including children. There is an abundance of evidence, and yes you are right that they should be condemned - except Israel and their stooges always cry "antisemitism!", before going straight back to more war crimes and genocide.

      Not to mention how Israel has destroyed nearly every (or every, now?) hospital in Gaza to prevent civilians from being treated. Or how Israel haa prevented aid from entering Gaza. Or how bulldozer drivers drive over hundreds of Palestinians, dead and alive. Or... gods, there is so much more, Israel is a deeply sick society.

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If, as you argue, it’s appropriate to respond to one civilian casualty by orphaning 10 kids, killing 100 civilians and displacing 1000, then the same reasoning implies it’d be acceptable for the Middle East to collectively murder 10% of Israel’s population, displace 100% of it’s population and level all it’s buildings and infrastructure.

So, if Iran has working nukes, I guess they should use them?

Then what? Israel probably has nukes too, so I guess the US should help them glassify the entire Middle East?

First, no concrete evidence was ever presented that anyone was raped or babies burned. Even Israel admitted no babies were burned. These were lies to dehumanize Palestinians and justify the atrocities committed against them.

Second, history didn't start on October 7th. Tens of thousands of Palestinians have been killed before Oct 7, including hundreds at a peace protest just a few years before. And Israel had 5000 hostages of their own on Oct 6th. The year before October 7th was one of the most deadly for Palestinians in history.

  • > First, no concrete evidence was ever presented that anyone was raped

    The international criminal court has found there is sufficient evidenve to issue a warrant for the crime against humanity of rape for Hamas leadership.

    Obviously Its not the same as a guilty verdict, there has been no trial, but i would still consider that pretty compelling.

    • Do you also abide by the ICC's finding that there is a case for Israel committing genocide and the arrest warrant for Netanyahu? Or do you pick and choose?

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