Comment by matsemann

15 days ago

I'm always so jealous of the celebrations in these streams. Pressing deploy to update a service in production seems so much more mundane in comparison, heh. Maybe we should be better at celebrating wins in tech?

We did celebrate like this when software releases were something that happened every couple of years and with loads of press coverage, hype leading up to the release, and usually in a physical media with packaging and fancy art accompanying it

  • Ah, before my time. But I can certainly imagine the excitedness, not to say the nervousness, when sending the final master of some software to be burned into thousands of CD-roms. No easy way to recover if there's a bug there! I've always been impressed with how I never came across any bugs when playing nintendo/cartridge games, couldn't just ship something buggy and rely on some online update back then.

There are too much and overacted already, on (other than this) barely interesting things.

This is not Hollywood or the Broadway (which actually also suffers from the mandatory celebratory pressure, justified or not [1]).

Well completed good work is a reward in itself (see bulk of old NASA reels). For releasing the desire of self celebratory acts we have LinkedIn, Youtube and other social media just for this kind of overinflated complacency.


  • I wonder how you'd felt working almost a decade and never saw a fruit of your work until that one moment where you can feel the rumble in your guts.

    • I guess like those on NASA reels. Looks more honest than cloning the faboys at yet another music festival vibe.

I think there needs to be some type of open source space exploration foundation. It's nice billionaires have all these toy space rocket companies, but I think it would feel even more fun if a not for profit, where millions of people can participate somehow were involved.

Space shouldn't be owned by 2 people.